With the support of The Cape Verde Foundation, the team from law firm GPA have repeated the successful experience of the last year’s Summer School event.
Three lawyers from the GPA Lisbon office, Roberta Almeida, Filipa Caetano and Victor Finizola, were over on Sal island at the School of Espargos, to teach English to the local children. The second annual event was organised by a local GPA lawyer, Vania Cunha, who also helped to coordinate the event.
Taking place between 24th July and 4th August, as many as 50 children registered and attended the Summer School, which copied the successful model of last year’s scheme. The lessons were aimed at children aged between 8 and 15 years old and were divided into two classrooms. One was for younger children, who had their first contact with the English language at the school, and another for the older students, including students who were with us at the last Summer School.
The younger students learned very basic English, including how to introduce themselves, primary vocabulary on animals, food, jobs, hobbies, sports, personal features, and nationalities, as well as some fundamental grammar. Meanwhile, the older and more experienced students did revisions and we have taught them a more advanced grammar and vocabulary. By the end, they were able to have small discussions and read some simple texts.
They also took part in some extracurricular activities, such as educational games in English, movie showings, dancing and football, where they were encouraged to introduce English expressions. During the duration of the Summer School, children also got two meals, which were prepared by local cooks hired by GPA.
On the last day, the Summer School organised a basic exam and finished the experience with a ceremony, attended by the children’s parents, to present the children with their correspondent diploma.